Maggie Blackbird

Romancing Canada's Indigenous People

Today, I have author Beverly Ovalle in the interview chair. We’re discussing her latest release Waking Tamara, book four in the A Dragon’s Fated Heart series, a paranormal romance. Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway.


1.  What inspired you to write Waking Tamara?

Beverly:  I hadn’t planned on writing this book! Indra was a side character in Saving Grace, but he caught my imagination. I couldn’t not give him his story. I was trying to write Hark’s book, but Indra kept stepping in the way. So, in a six-book series, Indra makes it seven.

2.  What can we expect from you in the future?

Beverly:  More Dragons of course! I’m working on Hark’s book and Juevetorj’s book. Which order they’ll come in, I’m not sure, but I’ll see which one I finish first.

3.  Can you tell us a little bit about the characters?

Beverly:  Indra is an Earth Dragon and he used to be work for the National Parks before the apocalypse. He’s wandered the earth since it happened, helping humans to survive and searching for his family. Tamara is a doctor that assisted in cryonically freezing humans to survive in the future after the apocalypse. She hadn’t expected to wake up 200 years later.

4.  How did you come up with the concept and characters?

Beverly:  I’m a closet prepper, lol. I can’t not add possibilities to my stories just in case an apocalypse happens.

5.  How did you come up with the character’s name?

Beverly:  Pure imagination for the most part! Tamara happens to be the name of my BFF that passed a few years ago. She’s the one that encouraged me to try to publish my stories.

6.  What did you enjoy most about writing Waking Tamara?

Beverly:  It just seemed to flow. Finally. I started it two years ago, but when I went back to it, I didn’t stop until it was done.

7.  How did you come up with the title of your first novel?

Beverly:  Dragons’ Mate. Just like it sounds, lol. It is a dragon shifter menage story.

8.  Who designed your book covers?

Beverly:  AAP did Waking Tamara. But I’ve had a multitude of designers. Most of my covers are from different artists. I just find covers I like and use them. A few are from my publishers.

9.  If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in Waking Tamara?

Beverly:  I could add so much! Most of it unnecessary according to my editor, lol. But I love information in my books.

10.  Did you learn anything during the writing of your novel?

Beverly:  I’m wordy!

11.  Is there anything you want to tell your readers?

Beverly:  I hope you come back for more!

12.  What is your favourite part of this book and why?

Beverly:  All the talents the dragons have. I’d love to be able to change rock into anything I want with the power of my mind!

13.  Are your characters based off real people or did they come from your imagination?

Beverly:  The characters are all from my imagination. My contemporary stories may, might, possibly steal personalities of people I know *shhh!* but not my paranormal romances.

14.  Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you hold the reigns?

This book was definitely a hijack. I’d never planned to write it.

15.  Have you written any other books that are not published?

Beverly:  I have outlines and stories and tidbits, and a few that were in anthologies that I plan on expanding, but nothing in romance yet. I am almost done with a “self help” book on purchasing an RV, and it should be out in a couple of months, but I’m still tweaking it.


Title: Waking Tamara
Series: A Dragon’s Fated Heart, Book 4
Author: Beverly Ovalle
Genre: Paranormal Romance

The apocalypse has been and gone.
Generations have passed.
The old world wakes up to a future they never imagined.

Blurb: Indra answers a mating call and is plunged into his future. He’s drawn to a beauty frozen in the past. He wants more than a kiss when he wakes her. But he has to have patience.

Gazing into Indra’s eyes, Mara is instantly smitten. One surprise after another has her believing in fairy tales. But there are no princes in her story, only dragons.

Believing in dragons isn’t the hard part. Even becoming a dragon brings her more pleasure than she’d ever dreamed. But being told she’s becoming a parent without her consent.


Indra has some groveling to do.

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She lay there, staring at the sky, sucking in air.

If this convinced Indra she was his mate, sign her up again. She was willing to reassure him as many times as he wanted.

A tremor ran through her. A burning started in her womb then eased. Her bones ached. A dull throb. Another tremor hit. She panted, trying to draw in air. The burning spread to every point inside her.

At some point, she was aware of the dragons returning and a fire being built. She screamed. So much pain. Even being cradled in Indra’s arms hurt.

Indra walked into the river with her, peppering her face with kisses. “I had no idea. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

What was he talking about? The burning started again. The cool river helped the pain. She burrowed in his arms. Her bones were breaking, each one, over and over again. She’d swear to it.

Indra held her so close they seemed as one flesh. The lapping of the water against her skin relaxed her.

“My brother Crag said you’ll be able to take some of the pain from her. Try to connect telepathically with her.” Hark didn’t make any sense.

Mara couldn’t hold back her tears. She curled up, arms tightly wrapped around her middle. Fire bloomed in her womb, her stomach, and through her lungs. This must be spontaneous combustion. “It hurts.”

“I’m sorry.” Indra’s tears dripped onto her face.

Why was he crying? “Not your fault.” She tried to open her eyes, but even they hurt.

“It’s the change.” Indra buried his face in her hair. “I’m sorry.”

She ignored him, the fire licking along her veins. She moaned, her body breaking. Every skin cell hurt. She clung to Indra, let him gather her up. She wanted to crawl inside his body and leave her broken one behind. She screamed inside, the torment intolerable.

I’ll help. Indra spoke into his mate’s mind. “I don’t think it’s working.”

Mara continued to writhe in agony. At some point, they’d returned to the river bank.

Mara wept as her bones broke and reformed. Scales formed on her skin, receding and forming with each tortured breath. This couldn’t be possible.

Mara’s brain started working again. Sluggishly.

I’m sorry. I love you. Forgive me. Indra’s voice repeated over and over in her head.

The pain lessened.

But now her stomach was growling. It was empty, ravenous to be filled. Mara roared, confused at all the sensations bombarding her.

Meat was shoved in front of her face and she gobbled it down. She ate and ate. Finally, all the pain receded. Her eyes closed, exhaustion weighing her down.

Go to sleep, my love. Indra’s hands ran along her body, soothing the pain away.

“I think I lost my mind,” Mara croaked out. “I’m hearing voices in my head.” She ignored the chuckles around her.

My voice only, I think. Indra caressed her hair, smoothing it away from her face.

She’ll hear all of us. The mating bound us all. That sounded like Zeru.

I do not wish to hear Earth, Air, and Fire. The little female is fine.

Who is that?

I am Bruno, little dragon. They are earth, air, and fire dragons. I do not need to remember their names.

Yup, she was definitely going crazy. “I’m going crazy.” Mara ignored their laughter. She was too damn tired. She realized Indra was lying next to her as a dragon. Probably to protect her. She wiggled over to his side and laid her head down. She was feeling better. She stretched out and scratched the grass with her claw—

She froze. Her claw?



Beverly Ovalle dabbled with writing on and off for years when her best friend finally dared her to submit a story to a writing contest. Beverly decided she had nothing to lose and since she’d always wanted to be an author sent it in and agonized for months waiting to hear back. Contract in hand she has never looked back.

Beverly Ovalle has been obsessed with dragons and romance since she was a young girl, collecting dragon books and reading everything she could find on them even down to the care of real-life dragons. She’s always been slightly panicked that the world as we know it will end, so has prepped for it, haunting survivalist pages and prepper projects she felt she needed in the event SHTF (shit hit the fan).

An avid fan of all romance, Beverly’s goal is to share her love of the written word and write the spicy romances that she enjoys. She writes what she loves to read and it was only a matter of time before her obsessions crept into her writing for her to share. She hopes you enjoy her tales as much as she loves writing them.

A United States Navy Veteran, Beverly has traveled around the world and the United States enabling her to bring her settings to life. Reading romances since the fourth grade she’s followed as the genre changed and spread into the vast cornucopia of romance offered today.

My message to whomever:
Who knows how many years has passed since this landed on the moon? It’s exciting to be writing to someone in the future. Possibly someone from a different planet. I hope you enjoy the stories in the anthology We Know the Truth, do you? I loved writing mine. I thought, who’s to say we didn’t come from the stars to begin with?

My story is about a non-event that sort of happened in the year 2019. Humans came from all over the world to break out any aliens being held against their will at Area 51, a United States Air Force base. Then, the aliens kidnapped thousands of people but only to save us from our fellow humans. On the up side, we were being shipped to help repopulate their planet. Turns out we were all descended from the same race. So, though they would never see their world again, they would be living on another world, a veritable Eden. Thus, began The Road to Eden. Enjoy!

Follow Beverly: Website | Blog | Facebook | X | Instagram | Bookbub | Amazon | Goodreads


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One thought on “Beverly Ovalle – Waking Tamara

  1. debby236 says:

    Thanks for the great post. I am excited to read this.


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