Maggie Blackbird

Romancing Canada's Indigenous People

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. Readers can jump from one author to another who share hooks from their current WIP (work in progress) or any previously published books.

For this week’s edition of Book Hooks, I give you a teaser from Real Warriors, the fourth and final book in the When We Were Young series, a m/m contemporary, new adult romance.

The courage of a warrior is a must on their new path, or they’ll never grasp their happily ever after.

Blurb:  Just when eighteen-year-old Billy Redsky believes he’s holding his happily ever after in the palm of his hand, he must practice what he’s learned in ceremony to face two more tests—share with the world his love for René, and let go of the past.

But that’s not so easy.  René is terrified of exposing their secret to anyone else but his family.  As for Billy’s brother, he has no intention of changing his criminal ways.

Only a miracle can help Billy reach his final destination on the red road his Ojibway ancestors once walked.  For his dream to come true, he must look deep inside of himself and trust the creator he follows.

Genre(s): Multicultural, M/M Contemporary Romance, LGBTQ+, First Nations Romance, New Adult.
Heat Rating: Level 3
Publication Date: August 13, 2021
Publisher: eXtasy Books


Stuart grabbed Billy by the arm. “Dude, dude, you won’t believe what people are saying.”

Billy was more than prepared for the news. There wasn’t a damned chance he’d tuck his tail between his legs. He was fucking proud to call René his boyfriend. Word was slowly leaking out, just as he and René had expected. There was no need to stand on a soapbox and make an announcement. They were simply acting like a couple now. Maybe someone had seen them at the movies last week, René’s arm slung on the back of Billy’s chair.

“What is it?”

“They’re saying you and Renny are… well…” Stuart’s gaze darted back and forth to their classmates passing by.

“That we’re knocking boots? Riding the Hershey highway? Hey?” Billy’s deep chest came out.

“Oh man…” Stuart slapped his hand over his mouth. “Yeah… that’s exactly what they’re saying. I told them not a chance. I said those rumors are bogus. I’m not sure who’s starting them. I set them straight.”

“Welp, you can set them straight about this,” Billy ordered in his firmest voice. “If they wanna make it their nosey business, yeah, we’re seeing each other.”

The color drained from Stuart’s brown skin. “Wh-what?”

“Yeah. Ask Andrew. He knows.”

“An-Andrew knows and you didn’t tell me?” Stuart sputtered.

“Stu… you’re cool, a top dude, but you couldn’t keep a secret even if someone sewed your mouth shut.” Billy shrugged.

“You didn’t tell me?” Stuart’s pitch rang higher.

“I’m sorry, man. At the time, we weren’t ready to tell anyone. Then my bro got shot, and René made up his mind he was done hiding.” Billy kept staring, studying Stuart’s reaction.

Stuart’s face went from shock, to disbelief, then concern. “Wh-what? I thought you and Carla—Is that why she’s seeing Christian?”

“No, she’s seeing Christian because she likes him.”

“You two had lunch together yesterday.”

“Yeah, we’re friends. Good friends. She’s my top girl.”

“She knows?”

“She’s known for a long time.”

“Uh…” Stuart scratched his head. “What a way to start the new millennium. You always do everything with a bang.”

“I’m a Redsky. Fucking rights we do everything with a bang. And we don’t hide. We stand tall and dare anyone to fix us a serving of attitude.”

Tonight, Billy was getting Hoyt for their weekly supper. His brother would probably have shitloads to say.


6 thoughts on “MFRWHook – Will This Ruin Us?

  1. Janet says:


    Liked by 1 person

  2. lisabetsarai says:

    It’s hard to imagine what it would be like to love someone when your society, your friends, your culture, thinks it is wrong.

    You have beautifully portrayed Billy’s courage.


  3. I love the way he is through faking it and is letting the world know his truth. 🙂 Great excerpt!

    Liked by 1 person

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